Parent Perspective: Sandra Spasojevic-Rodriguez shares her experience with Jubilee Brownsville

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Hello, my name is Sandra Spasojevic Rodriguez, and I am the mother of Marko Rodriguez, who currently attends Jubilee Brownsville for the first grade. I did a lot of research about different schools being new to the city, and Jubilee stood out the most. Jubilee was our top school choice.

My first impression of Jubilee was that it’s a safe, clean, and welcoming environment for everyone. We started looking into schools before we moved to understand Texas school systems. The education my son receives is a hands-on approach accompanied by a safe and nurturing environment with lots of resources and opportunities to excel in his learning. Marko would say his favorite things about Jubilee are leadership, the joy he receives from everyone, and the affirmations that empower him from Jubilations and his teachers. Most of all, his favorite thing is the friendships.

After-school programs are essential to most families. Most students receive after-school tutoring and help with homework. They spend time doing crafts, art, sports, and so much more. Charter education is valuable to my family because of the enrichment opportunities, parent involvement, rigorous curriculum, and safe community.

Jubilee Brownsville offers many programs, from CTE (Career Technical Education), to Duel Enrollment, ambassador mentorship, GEARUP!, and much more. We can’t forget the determined destiny values our kids display every day.

I have so many stories that exemplify my experience with Jubilee it’s hard to choose. One story I hold close and dear to my heart involves Jubilee athletes. Not only do they excel in the classroom, but they have the same passion when playing sports. Jubilee athletes demonstrate Integrity, Excellence, Leadership, and Understanding outside the classroom. Even when other teams are not playing with integrity, Jubilee Titans and coaches keep their heads high and play honorably. I am honored my son walks the same hallways as these student-athletes. I couldn’t think of better role models for him.

It brings me joy to see the legacy these athletes are leaving behind for everyone to follow. Titans coaches always shine bright, showing everyone the Jubilee Way. I feel everyone at Jubilee Brownsville goes above and beyond for all the students and parents. Everyone is always welcoming and eager to help, from administration to teachers to guidance counselors, to coaches, to the amazing ladies at the front desk.

I would recommend Jubilee Brownsville to anyone. My family loves Jubilee because it’s a place where my son feels safe, happy, and motivated. Jubilee has a healthy learning environment that helps my son stay focused on his tasks and a sense of community with a lot of support.


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