March Newsletter
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Important Dates
Click here to access all academic calendars.
Battle of Flowers Holiday (No Classes-South Central Region) | April 8
Good Friday (No Classes-All Regions) | April 15
No Classes (Central Region Only) | April 22
ESC-20 Community Resource Fair | April 28
Last Day of Classes (All Regions) | May 26
San Antonio Region Class of 2022 Graduation | May 28
Innovation Summer Learning Program | May 31 - July 29
Jubilee-Wells Branch Class of 2022 Graduation | June 4
Jubilee-Brownsville Class of 2022 Graduation | June 7
Child Nutrition
San Antonio students celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with a special activity thanks to our Child Nutrition staff! Students who took a lunch tray had the chance to find a lucky four-leaf clover. Winners were able to exchange their clover for a FREE a la carte snack. Keep a look out at your Jubilee campus for more awesome breakfast and lunch promotions coming soon!
Look out for this new item on April’s menu and check out ourrecipe cards below!
Visit the Child Nutrition webpage to view the monthly & weekly menus, complete the feedback survey, and find our contact information!
Innovation Summer Learning Program 2022
Families who have completed our interest survey will be receiving information regarding the registration process, throughout the month! If you are still interested in signing up for this year’s Summer Learning, please reach out to your campus or send us an email.
Class of 2022
Heaven Martinez is a proud senior at Jubilee-Lakeview Univ. Prep. She is the senior class president and a member of our first ever National Honor Society induction class. Heaven has been accepted into West Texas A&M University, Texas A&M San Antonio, San Antonio College, The University of North Texas, and Texas State University. Heaven's dedication and leadership abilities were impressive as she spearheaded our Halloween Spooktackular and Winter Wonderland on campus. Heaven has accepted her offer to attend Texas State University for the Fall of 2022 where she plans to pursue a major in health professions and become a nurse.
GEAR UP hosted multiple Kick-Off Events this month to introduce our grant to families, students and the community! Events included some GEAR UP swag giveaways, motivational guest speakers from Cool Speak, and overall just a fun way to kick-off our grant!
To learn more about how this grant will impact your child, click here.
To Infinity & Beyond!
Jubilee Harlingen 5th-7th grade GEAR UP students had the opportunity to visit SpaceX in Brownsville, TX. Students learned about rockets, launching dates, different career paths that lead to employment within the company, and so much more!
Skills USA
At the end of this month, Jubilee Academies Career and Technical Education (CTE) Chapters will be competing at state competition in Corpus Christi, Texas. The following students will be competing in Animation Short Film, PIN Design, T-Shirt Design, Engineering and Job Exhibit. Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) are key components to strong CTE programs. CTSOs integrate into CTE programs and courses and extend teaching and learning through innovative programs, business and community partnerships and leadership experiences at the school, state and national levels.
A special thank you to our dedicated CTE advisors who have coached our students and helped them get this far: Mr. Patrick Alvarez, Juan Marroquin and Rebecca Alvarez, Oscar Joens, Denise Maupin, Sandra Ximenez and Denise Mancha
Jubilee-San Antonio
Andrew Harris
Jovanni Munguia
De-Shawn Less
Austyn Bailes
Jubilee-Lakeview Univ. Prep
Kyla Stokes
Antionette Hernandez
Andre Fernandez
Ariza Reyes
Fernando Morales
Luis Rodriguez
Christian Gonzalez
Rodrigo Martinez-Alvarez
Angel Alvear
Jorge Cardenas
Regina Guevara
Daniel Hernandez
Mark Lopez
Dayanura Martinez
Hugo Rodriguez-Alcala
Jasmin Salinas
Maximiliano Serna
Determined Destiny Values | Excellence
Jubilee is extremely proud of the hard work and resulting success of our 2022 Visual Arts Scholastic Events (VASE) high school students! The following students received medals for their amazing works. We would also like to recognize their tremendous mentors, Felicia Arias from Jubilee-San Antonio and Maria Lozano from Jubilee-Brownsville! To see the full gallery of student work, click here.
Level 3
David Rocha
Juan Lopez
Romina Vazquez
Andrea Montano
Alyssa Welch
Level 4
Luis Morales
Ximena Yepez
Fernando Toribio
Grecia Gomez
Lucia Gonzalez
Andrea Canseco
Emily DeLaFuente (State Qualified!)
Jubilee-San Antonio
Division 1
Ria Avalos
Daena Fuentes
Jonah Ramirez
Division 2
Melanie Cortinas
Division 3
Kasandra Medrano
Natalia Castellanos
Extra-Curricular Opportunities
Singing for the Spurs!
JSA choir students got the opportunity to sing the National Anthem at a San Antonio Spurs game!
Zumba For a Great Cause!
Jubilee Kingsville hosted a Zumba class for staff, students and the community. All proceeds from registration benefited Brush Country CASA and the athletic department!
A Look into the Classroom | Dr. Seuss Week
“You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting so get on your way!”
Across the district, students and staff celebrated well-known author, Dr. Seuss. Hallways were turned into some of our favorite storybook settings and students dressed up as the characters! “
Vocabulary Tug-of-War!
As a fun and interactive activity, PreK students practiced using their unit vocabulary words “pull” and “push” in a class vs. class tug-of-war!
Twosday Sprouts!
Ms. Woodward’s JSA PreK class initiated this project with plants on the special day of 2-22-22. Students are able to observe the success of plants actually sprouting and growing everyday!
Stars in the Making!
Mr. Verderber's 8th grade class at Jubilee-Kingsville prepared a 4-act play about The Diary of Anne Frank. The students did amazing!
Jubilee-Brownsville Titans | Golf
The 32-3A District Golf Champions are heading to Regionals!
Both Girls and Boys Soccer clenched the Bi-District Championship! The boys finished in overtime while the girls took their victory after fighting in 2 sudden death penalties.
People of Jubilee Spotlight | Ann Rodriguez
“Thanks to Ann, we have grown our team to what it is today!”
Ann Rodriguez, our District HR Recruiter, has been with Jubilee for nine years. Thanks to her, we have grown the department to what it is and can support the entire district. She is always lending a helping hand even outside of HR. She greets everyone with a smile and always makes us laugh. Overall, she is wonderful to work with and we love having her on our team!
Salvador Gutierrez
“Sal has been a great asset since he joined our team. We need more like him.”
Sal Gutierrez, our District Compliance & Operations Coordinator is a true assest to the team! Not only is he a Jubilee Alum, but also a proud military Veteran. Anytime you need help, he never says no and is always ready to jump in, no matter the task. He even stays late at times to get things done or ready for the next day.
Jubilee Anniversaries
The following staff members celebrated milestone anniversaries with Jubilee in March. Their dedication to the district and our students does not go unnoticed and is truly greatly appreciated by all!
13 Years—
Yolanda Cevalles, Jubilee-San Antonio
8 years—
Magdalena Pena, Jubilee-Highland Hills
Monica Soto, Jubilee-Lakeview Univ. Prep
6 years—
Matt Gonzalez, District Accounting
Esperanza Medrano, District Accounts Payable
5 years—
Edward Valdez, Jubilee-Highland Hills
Aramari Galloway, District Operations
Maritza Medina Mora, Jubilee-San Antonio
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
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