February Newsletter
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Important Dates
Click here to access all academic calendars.
Spring Break (South Central & Coastal Bend Regions) | March 7 - 13
Day Light Savings Time | March 13
Spring Break (Central & RGV Regions) | March 14 - 20
Good Friday (No Classes-All Regions) | April 15
Last Day of Classes (All Regions) | May 26
Class of 2022 | Graduate Spotlight
“Throughout my 11 years here, Jubilee has provided me with extraordinary opportunities that I would not have gotten anywhere else.”
- Andrea De La Rosa
Andrea, Senior at Jubilee-Brownsville, has been accepted to 24 universities and received $740,000 in scholarship opportunities. Please help us congratulate Andrea in all her successes!
Join Us For Lunch!
We would like to extend an open lunch invitation to all Jubilee parents! Stop in to have lunch with your student, spend a few extra minutes getting to know their teachers, or meet the principal! Staying engaged with your child’s campus ensures you are involved with your child’s success and also helps us learn how we can best support our families!
Please note, parents will need to stop by the front desk with a photo ID in order to receive a visitors badge before entering the building.
On-Site COVID Testing
Jubilee Academies will now be offering free rapid testing to current staff and students.
Families and campus staff, please coordinate this service with your campus clinic staff. District staff is asked to coordinate with Nurse Recio.
To better serve you and expedite the process, please fill out the consent for testing form.
Jubilee Summer Innovation Program
Be at the Forefront of Success! Jubilee’s Summer Innovation Program provides students safe, fun, & FREE Summer learning opportunities. Campus include forensic science, medical detectives, coding, STEAM, culinary, athletics, and more! To learn more and sign up, click here.
Community News
Jubilee counselors from across the district attended the Texas School Counselor Association Conference in Round Rock. By attending, our counselors are able to continue education and network, allowing them to learn new ways to support our students and families.
Class of 2022 | Save the Date!
We are excited to announce the dates for this year’s Graduation Ceremonies! Formal invitations and ticket information coming soon!
Jubilee-San Antonio & Jubilee-Lakeview Univ. Prep | May 28
Jubilee-Wells Branch | June 4
Jubilee-Brownsville | June 7
Jubilee-Wells Branch’s First Ever Graduating Class!
We are rocking, rolling, and celebrating our seniors' hard work in being college & career ready! Each one of our seniors received a special yard sign for their families to show off all the hard work and efforts their young adults are about to complete. Our students are among the best and we anticipate bright and successful careers of each one of our seniors.
CTE & GEAR UP News | Skills USA Champs!
Jubilee families, please help us in congratulating all of our students who participated in the first ever USA District 13 Leadership & Skills Contest at Texas State Technical College in Harlingen. Our students participated in the following categories in which several are advancing to compete at the State level:
High School Law Enforcement
High School 2D/3D Short Film Animation Group (State Qualified)
Middle School Engineering Related Design Group (State Qualified)
Congratulations Jubilee Titans in representing your school at your first Career and Technical Education USA Skills Contest! Job well done!
Thank you to our advisors and CTE instructors: Mrs. Rebecca Alvarez-MS, Mr. Marco Samano-HS, Mr. Juan Marroquin-HS, and Mr. Patrick Alvarez-HS for your guidance and leadership.
Destination Imagination
Jubilee-Brownsville’s Destination Imagination Teams also proudly represented Jubilee at the 2022 CREATIVITY-X South Border Bridge DI Regional Tournament.
Our DI Teams did an amazing job all around as they competed against schools from all over the RGV in their respective categories:
"The juBELIEVERS" - Scientific High School Level (2nd Place)
"The Cool Cool People" - Fine Arts Middle School Level (4th Place)
"The DIstroyers" - Engineering Elementary Level (5th Place)
"The 7 Sista's" - Fine Arts Elementary Level
A huge THANK YOU to our sponsors: Mrs. Lozano, H.S., Ms. Ochoa, Elementary, Mrs. Williams, Elementary and all of our volunteers who devoted a lot of their time to this years DI competition. Thank you for your guidance, leadership, and for enhancing our students imaginations to think outside the box.
GEAR UP Student Presentation
Jubilee-Harlingen had their very first GEAR UP student presentation! Border Patrol from Harlingen, TX came out to speak to all the students about their career. The students learned about their day-to-day duties, gear that they use out in the field, and even saw their ATVs!
Determined Destiny Values | Leadership
Jubilee Leadership on display! Nate Garcia is a former Jubilee - Kingsville student who returned to motivate and inspire our 2nd and 3rd grade classes! Not only is he a great role model for students, he is a true leader in our community, having scored a historic 2,000 points in his high school basketball career.
Extra-Curricular Opportunities | Jubilee ACCESS
Jubilee-Highland Hills students gather after school for literacy circle!
CHEF Program at JWW
We have officially launched the CHEF Bites Program here at Jubilee-Westwood for the 3rd year in a row! This year, we have all PreK-2nd grade students learning how to read recipes, use cooking utensils, and create delicious, nutritious food. Students are learning about healthy habits and trying new foods! Hats off to our future chefs!
A Look into the Classroom | 100th Day of School
It is hard to believe that we have already been in school for 100 days! Across the district, classes celebrated with special activites, decorated shirts, and even dressing like 100 year olds!
Student Life Timelines
For the last six weeks, 1st Graders at Jubilee-Harlingen learned about the past. Students then created an illustrated timeline poster of major events in their life and explained the timeline and events. Pictured, we can see that the first haircut made the list of special memories!
Chinese New Year Celebrations
Jubilee-Wells Branch PreK celebrated Chinese New Year with a dragon parade for their fellow students. The children worked in teams to paint and glue together their red and yellow dragon.
Reptiles On Campus!?
JWB also received a visit from a community member “Raiser the Reptile Mom and Rick Ranger the Snake Wrangler,” who talked to the students about desert animals and their habitats. Students even got to give the animals a two finger touch to say hi!
Personal Totems
Ms. Glisch’s eighth grade art class at Jubilee-Lakeview Univ. Prep has been learning about identity and ideals in their current unit, specifically Native American objects. Students have been tasked to create their own animal totem and are connecting with sea turtles, snakes, cats, and truly taking the opportunity to reflect and create.
Athletics | Playoffs Update!
Jubilee-San Antonio
After a strong season, our Jubilee-San Antonio basketball season has come to a close. Our varsity boys played an eventful game in the regional championships and ultimately lost to the reigning state champs, while our MS girls won the regional championship finally succumbing in the state semi-finals to the reigning state champs in a true nailbiter!
Soccer season is underway now and has started well with victories for both the MS and Varsity boys teams!
Jubilee-Highland Hills
Congratulations to all four of our Basketball Teams for making it to the playoffs this season. Our Middle School Premier Girls team made it to the Sub-Regional Championship where they unfortunately fell short to Jubilee-San Antonio 37-46. It was an incredible game seeing 2 of our Jubilee campuses go head to head for the San Antonio area title.
Our Soccer Teams are off to a strong start to their season. Our 4th-6th grade CoEd team is undefeated so far, with their most recent win against BASIS NorthEast with a score of 9-3. Middle School Girls have a current record of 1-1, and play their next match on 2/23 against IDEA Amber Creek. Middle School Boys are currently 2-1, winning their first game against IDEA Ingram Hills 4-1.
People of Jubilee Spotlight | Jiwon Rebekah Lee
“Ms. Lee plans cross-curricular projects that are engaging and relatable to student interests!”
We want to highlight our 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Lee, for going above and beyond with her students when conducting these types of projects! She plans cross-curricular projects that are engaging and relatable to student interests! Just this last week, Mrs. Lee had students using context clues in a game similar to Among Us while also identifying and solving for perimeter, area, and volume! Students had a blast finding who the guilty shapes were while making connections to RLA and Math objectives!
Jubilee Anniversaries
The following staff members celebrated milestone anniversaries with Jubilee in January and February. Their dedication to the district and our students does not go unnoticed and is truly greatly appreciated by all!
21 Years—
Leticia Gutierrez, District PEIMS
Delia Juarez, Jubilee-Highland Hills
Diana Schmick, Jubilee-San Antonio
Lisa Gonzales, District Grants
10 years—
Beatrice Martinez, District Front Office
Linda Garza, Jubilee-Brownsville
5 years—
Sarah Mills, Jubilee-Wells Branch
Maria Degollado, Jubilee-Wells Branch
Khalid Sosse, District Operations
Lorena Barrera, Jubilee-Brownsville
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