Summer School Students Visit the Witte Museum in San Antonio, TX

During the Summer Innovation Summer School, Jubilee Academies' San Antonio Summer School Campuses organized an exciting field trip to the famous Witte Museum in San Antonio. The young explorers’ were immersed in the captivating realm of prehistoric beasts, engaging sights, and sounds to foster a comprehensive understanding of dinosaurs. The students stood in awe before massive fossilized footprints, contemplating the weight and strength of these magnificent creatures. Following the encounter with the dinosaurs, the students embarked on another avenue of discovery – the rich tapestry of Native practices. Interaction with indigenous artifacts held a profound appreciation for the wisdom and traditions of Native peoples. Students studied their own bodies, discovering systems like skeletal, vascular, and heart muscles. Through hands-on activities, they learned how these systems work together and why staying healthy is vital. They also practiced skills like problem-solving and teamwork.

Jubilee Academies believes that teaching about understanding their bodies empowers students to lead healthy lives. This understanding grows with them, inspiring good choices and helping others. The school's commitment to enriching experiences ensures students thrive in a curious, explorative environment. Featured interviews capture students' thoughts on the museum trip and Jubilee Academies.


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