Jubilee Academies Newsletter
December 2021
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Table of Contents
Important Dates
Academic Calendars
Winter Holiday Break
December 20 - January 4
Academic Calendars can be found on our Parent Services page.
Happy Holidays!
We want to wish everyone Happy Holidays and a safe New Year! See you in 2022!
Secure your Seat Today
Our re-enrollment period for the 2022-23 school year officially kicked off on November 1! Returning students will not be automatically enrolled and applications should be submitted early to ensure a seat. Final day to re-enroll is February 9.
Dangerous Teen Trends
Vaping and Dangerous Teen Trends
Thursday, Jan. 20
6pm - 7pm CST
A Special Treat to Keep Warm
20 Festive and Easy Hot Chocolate Recipes
Jubilee Family! We hope your winter break is off to a great start! Kick off your festivities with our favorite hot cocoa recipes for the kiddos.
Student Highlights
Please help us congratulate the following seniors. They have been Nationally recognized by the College Board for their hard work and academic performance. Lucia Gonzalez and Jorge Tamayo both received AP Scholar recognition for their outstanding performance on their Advanced Placement exams.
Way to go, Lucia & Jorge!
JHH Student Council Movie Night
Highland Hills hosted over 250 parents for a movie night benefiting the Mighty Eagles student council. Teachers and students came together and provided not only an entertaining movie but snacks and a great opportunity to show what great leadership skills are students are gaining!
Determined Destiny Values
Jubilee-San Antonio Math Interventionist, Mr. Huth, takes time to teach students about our Determined Destiny Values and how they can even be applied to their everyday classroom assignments.
Extra-Curricular Opportunities
We would like to highlight our students for hosting student-led conferences on November 18th! Students were able to share what they were learning in their classrooms, articulate their current assessment data, explain their goal-setting trackers, and answer parent questions. We loved seeing our students take ownership of their learning and leading these parent conferences! We can't wait for the next round in the Spring!
Jubilee-Wells Branch
On November 19th students from the senior class at Jubilee- Wells Branch set off on a college visit to Texas A&M University. Our visit included a tour of the Zachary School of Engineering, lunch at the Duncan Dining Hall, and a walking tour of the campus. After a busy day, students were treated to dinner at Texas Roadhouse then back to the hotel to turn in for the night! On Saturday, they woke up and had the traditional Texas hotel breakfast of Texas-shaped waffles! After, we were off to give our seniors a unique taste of the A&M student experience by attending a Texas A&M football game where they were able to participate in many of the university’s traditions! The students all had different parts of the trip that stood out to them but they all agreed that the beauty of the campus was one of their favorite things.
A Look into the Classroom
Jubilee-San Antonio
Natalia Castellanos received a third place ribbon for her San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo Western Art Contest entry! Such Talent at Jubilee-San Antonio!
Family Turkey Project! There were so many beautiful and creative turkeys! Everyone did an amazing job! Pictured are the three top winners:
1st Place - Juan Villarreal with his GhostBuster themed turkey.
2nd Place - Lilliana Rodriguez with her Fairy themed turkey.
3rd Place - Lexi Ramirez with her Flamingo themed turkey.
Jubilee-Lake View University prep
The Jubilee Lake View A.C.C.E.S.S. Program has partnered with community organizations to help get our students access to great books, building their at-home library! The program has hosted an A.C.C.E.S.S. Book Fair, where students throughout the campus were able to choose 5 books to add to their collection.
In the News
People of Jubilee Spotlight
Maria Brackeen
“I attended Jubilee-Kingsville and because of the challenging classes I took there, I was able to begin my Freshman year in high school with Sophomore level courses. I’m proud to say I graduated early in June 2019 and currently attending Texas A&M University, studying to become a Psychologist. Meanwhile, I found myself back at Jubilee where I attribute a large amount of my academic success.”
It brings Jubilee great Joy to see alumni return and contribute to the success of future Jubi-LEADERS!
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