September Newsletter
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Important Dates
Click here to access all academic calendars.
9/11 Art Benefit for WWP | Ends September 30th 11:59pm
Staff Development Day | October 11
Red Ribbon Week | October 23 - 31
Staff Development Day | November 5
Remote Learning Interest Survey
With the recent approval of Senate Bill 15, Jubilee Academies will offer a remote learning option for students who require accommodations due to the ongoing pandemic. Jubilee Academies is seeking to understand families' needs in remote learning during this 2021-22 school year. This survey will allow our team to plan appropriately based on the interest in changing from face-to-face to an online environment. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has set eligibility requirements for remote learning -- NOT all students will be eligible. TEA has set a cap that 10% of all enrolled students within a given school district may be enrolled remotely. Please note, if you have completed this survey after receiving it via email, you do not need to again.
Jubilee Honors 20th Anniversary of September 11th
In honor of the 20th anniversary of September 11th, our students, staff, and community created unique art pieces which have been auctioned off throughout the month of September. Thanks to the generosity of our families and community, we have already surpassed our goal of raising $1,000 for Wounded Warrior Project! If you would like to contribute, there is still time as the deadline to bid or donate is September 30 at 11:59pm. To access, click here. Check back next month to see how we did!
Artwork shown, created by Zaira Mahelet Garcia, Jubilee Brownsville (5th)
Hispanic Heritage Month
Jubilee celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month across the district as well as 16 de Septiembre with spirit days, special lessons, and even performances! Pictured above, is the staff at Jubilee Leadership Academy. To the right is Camila Martinez Garcia and Isah Alvarez who shared a folklorico performance with the Jubilee-Westwood campus.
Jubilee Leadership Academy Celebrating A New Campus
On August 4, Jubilee Leadership Academy officially broke ground on their new campus, located at 1025 Main Street in Brownsville, TX! Joined by local officials and our partners from around the city, current staff came together for this exciting event and even unveiled a new mascot- the COYOTE! We look forward to opening the doors for the 2022-23 school year with Principal, Mrs. Lourdes De La Fuente and her team! Go Coyotes!!
CTE News | JB Nursing Seniors Turn Site Toward Practicum
We are super excited to announce that we had our first cohort of Jubilee-Brownsville seniors participating in the Nursing Health & Science program at TSC are continuing onto their practicum part of their curriculum. Our students are enrolled in hands-on rigorous courses that will allow them to prepare for their state-approved Nurse Aide training and competency evaluation exam. Please help us congratulate and wish these group of seniors the best of luck as they prepare themselves for these exams.
To read more CTE News, click here!
Determined Destiny Values
Jubilee-Kingsville Highlights Students Living the DDV
Any time a student is caught living the Determined Destiny Values, they will have the opportunity to receive a coin representing one of the Three Pillars of Excellence. Throughout the month of September, several Jubilee-Kingsville Knights were awarded with coins for Leadership, Character, and Excellence!
From left to right: Emma Lomas, Lamar Garza, Dominic Pena, Roy Williams, Valentine Gonzalez, Sophie Gonzalez, & Adonai Shelton
Jubilee-Kingsville also established “Houses” for each grade level using the J-U-B-I-L-E-E acronym, similar to Harry Potter. Each House is identified by its own Coat of Arms and are awarded points based on attendance, homework, and when the students display conduct consistent with the DDV. The House of Understanding (Mrs. Covarrubias’ Kinder Class) won this period and will receive the Jubilee Spirit Stick!
Jubilee-Harlingen Competes in DDV Chalk Art Competition
On September 24th, families from Jubilee-Harlingen spent the day on the sidewalks of campus. Using chalk , students brought their parents, friends, and families to draw out what the different values meant to them.
Extra-Curricular Opportunities | Jubilee-Lakeview Kicks Off Chess Club
With the help of Mr. Poindexter, Jubilee-Lakeview is offering Chess Club for grades 4-12. Chess has been proven to help students develop strategic and tactical skills that translate into everyday life. If your student has interests that they would like to explore in after school clubs, we invite you to share with teachers and admin! Jubilee clubs and extra-curricular are always based on community interests and needs.
A look into the Classroom
Jubilee-Wells Branch
In the month of September, Ms. Lytle’s students broke into small groups for student-led, hands-on activities to discuss various aspects of courage. Students were introduced to the historical hero, Harriett Tubman, and the fictional character, Gerald in Giraffes Can't Dance, by Giles Andreae. Classes used literature to illustrate and bring deeper meaning to what courage is and looks like. Many classes were afforded the opportunity to further deepen their understanding through classroom presentations. These varied activities afforded students a meaningful understanding of the topic while practicing the tools of successful citizens with collaboration, discussion and/or debate, public speaking, and more.
Jubilee-San Antonio
Ms. Woodward’s PreK(4) class got to try out iPads for the first time! Students completed a math benchmark called Imagine Math and did great!
2nd graders learned the proper way to milk a cow thanks to Southwest Dairy Farmers!
Mrs. Senay’s 5th grade students have been thriving in math thanks to math centers. “They get so wild doing math. They start to create their own races to challenge each other.”
Rio Grande Valley
JB Cross Country
32-3A District Meet coming up on October 9th (MS) & 13th (HS)
JB Volleyball
HS Varsity is currently in 2nd place for 32-3A District while HS Junior Varsity is in 1st with an undefeated record! Both MS teams are in 2nd place for the District.
South Central
JHH Volleyball
Jubilee-Highland Hills’ Middle School Premier Volleyball team is currently 1-1 for the season. Their most recent victory was against the School of Science & Technology Northwest on Monday September 27th where the Eagles won in two sets: 25-21 and 25-10.
4th-6th Grade Volleyball is currently 2-0 for the season. Their most notable win was against Brooks Collegiate Academy (Blue) on Monday September 13th where the Eagles kept their opponent to single digits, winning 25-5 and 25-6.
JHH Flag Football
The Flag Football team is currently 1-3 for the season. Their first victory of the season was against IDEA Brackenridge on Wednesday September 22, where the Eagles won 27-18.
JSA Volleyball
Varsity Volleyball has started the year 2-1 while the MS Volleyball are undefeated at 3-0. Our 4-6 graders are holding at 1-1.
JSA Football
Our varsity football team won 54-0 last Friday and currently stand 2-2 on the season. We play the 2 time state champs tonight, Sept. 30.
MS Flag Football has been impressive this year starting 4-0 including wins over JHP and JHH. They play again tonight, looking to carry on their strong start.
JHP Volleyball
Jubilee-Highland Park middle school girls volleyball (6th-8th) is having a great season with a record of 4-1. Our middle school boys (6th-8th) have a record of 1-3.
Jubilee Pride | What Made You FALL For Jubilee?
Cataleya Salinas is my daughter and only child. This is her 2nd year going to Jubilee-Highland Hills. She first started going to Jubilee in Pre-K with Ms. Lara. Now, she is in Kindergarten with Ms. Cruz. We fell in love with Jubilee Highland-Hills because of how much our daughter grew with her early education and broke out of her shy shell. We also loved how much the teachers and staff really care for their students and how much they help little minds, like my daughter's, grow. This is just the beginning and we appreciate everyone who's impacted on our daughter's early life thus far. We love that she looks forward going to school everyday. Thanks Jubilee Highland-Hills teachers and staff!
Our daughter Sofia Amaya goes to Jubilee-Highland Hills. What I love is that I saw the difference between a SAISD student and a Jubilee student. This school is more advanced . My daughter loves her teachers, and most importantly she loves school.
Our son Marko Luka Rodríguez is in Pre-K Jubilee-Brownsville. For us, it was what Jubilee stands for and that is has the best programs around.
Does your family have a great story to share?
want to highlight a positive experience or Staff Member?
People of Jubilee Spotlight
Daisy Martinez, Jubilee Leadership Academy
“My experience as a classroom teacher has inspired me to advocate for the needs of many struggling students and teachers. I too have experienced those overwhelming days that lead to teachers leaving the education field and students losing sight of the importance of a quality education. My career is one that I treasure and value because it gives me the opportunity to give my students the foundation necessary to be successful in the future.”
To read more about Mrs. Daisy Martinez’s story, click here.
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