June Newsletter
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A Note From Dr. Kevin Phillips,
Superintendent of Schools
I would like to thank everyone for their part in making the 2020-21 a success, despite the difficulties and challenges we all faced. Even with the numerous hurdles, we took advantage of the learning opportunities and have improved to make Jubilee schools all the better.
I would also like to once again congratulate our Class of 2021. 148 seniors celebrated with their families and loved ones throughout the month of June and are now making strides towards their futures, whether into college, the military, or career opportunities. Please keep in touch and remember you have the support of your Jubilee family every step of the way!
Moving into the 2021-22 school year, I want to share a few updates to be looking out for.
We are excited to launch a program redesign at Jubilee-San Antonio and Jubilee-Highland Hills following the completion of the Trinity University Fellowship by Mr. James Montano (JSA) and Dr. Raul Hinojosa (JHH). In addition, we will be launching Project Lead the Way in the RGV with the help of the Elon Musk Foundation.
Starting next school year, students will be returning to 100% Face-to-Face instruction where they will have the option to wear a mask while on campus. After school program opportunities and Saturday school are offerings we can, once again, support our families with to best meet the needs of our students. Finally, we are also increasing the availability of transportation routes in hopes to better support our current and potential families.
Please join me TODAY Wednesday, June 30 at 5:30 pm for a Facebook Live event where parents will get even more details about the above information and more. A recap will be available after the event.
Thank you,
Dr. Kevin Phillips
Superintendent of Schools
Important Dates
Click here to access all academic calendars.
Unity Football Camp at Jubilee-Wells Branch | July 1 & 8 | 6-7:30pm
Pure Ambition Sports Camp at Jubilee-Wells Branch | July 16 | Time Coming Soon!
Jubilee-Kingsville Back to School Bash | August 5 | 5-8pm
Jubilee-Westwood Welcome to the Wolfpack Fun Fest | August 7 | 10am-2pm | See Flyer
First Day of School (All Regions) | August 16
Leadership Transition (RGV & San Antonio Regions)
For our San Antonio families, many of you had the pleasure of getting to know Dr. Alicia Bolt over the last two years. She supported 3 of our 6 San Antonio sites as the Associate Superintendent. She made San Antonio her home and led one of our largest sites within our district. It is with mixed emotions we announce her departure from San Antonio to the Rio Grande Valley (RGV). Dr. Bolt is native to the RGV and will be filling the position of Associate Superintendent for our 4 existing schools in that area. She will remain with the district, serving in the same capacity, only impacting new students and staff. We wish her luck as she makes her transition this break and will begin serving in the new role this August 2021.
We are pleased to announce San Antonio will have little to no interuption of leadership as we are also prepared to introduce Dr. Leslie Sparacello. Dr. Sparacello joins us with 31 years in education and a graduate from TCU, Univeristy of Missouri and the University of the Incarnate Word. She has served in an array of roles over the years and just this 2021 was named a nominee for Principal of the Year with Region 18. As Dr. Bolt departs, Dr. Sparacello will be stepping in as the new Associate Superintendent of Jubilee-San Antonio, Jubilee-Highland Hills and Jubilee-Highland Park.
Please join us in welcoming both of these leaders to their new respective regions!
School Supply Lists
Order your student's school supplies for the 2021-2022 school year by July 6th!
Packs are customized to the teachers of each campus, and will be delivered directly to the appropriate campus. Art kits are also available for purchase by grade level.
Baylor University Free Online Educational Program
Do you have a child 8-12 years old who attended school virtually for the majority of last year due to COVID-19? Are you looking for ways to help your child transition smoothly to in-person school?
You are invited to participate in a FREE online educational program designed to help children work through their feelings about returning to in-person school and develop healthy coping skills or ways to deal with these feelings. The program will involve 3 self-guided sessions online that will last approximately 30 minutes each. PhD students from Baylor University will be studying whether this program can be delivered online and if it helps increase coping skills in children who will be returning to in-person school. You and your child are eligible to participate if your child is between the ages of 8 and 12 years old, your child participated in virtual or remote learning most of last school year, you live in the United States, and you have access to a secure Internet connection and email address. I
Keep Your Student Learning With Our Summer Programs
The end of the 2020-21 school year not only means Summer vacation, but also Summer programming! Check out all the fun activities available to families over the next few months to keep your student engaged and learning.
Meet Flat Jubil-EE, Ready For Vacation!
You’ve heard of Flat Stanley, now meet Flat Jubil-EE, our jet-setting robot friend! He is excited to join your family on all your Summer adventures while also helping your students stay in contact with friends! Snap a picture with Jubil-EE and tag #JubileeOnVacation to be highlighted on Facebook and Instagram throughout the Summer. Don’t have social media? Email your pictures to our marketing team!
At the end of the Summer, all submissions will be entered into a raffle for a Google Chromebook! Either print Flat Jubil-EE or access him digitally here.
San Antonio District 3 Paletas & Priorities
Our families living in San Antonio, District 3 are invited to join Councilwoman Phyllis Viagran for Paletas and Priorities, rain or shine! She looks forward to seeing residents and I can't wait to hear from YOU! Attendees will have an opportunity to complete the 2021 Budget Survey and share their input. So bring a friend or your D3 neighbor and come cool off !
From the Jubilee Kitchen | Berries & Melon Fruit Salad
A refreshing fruit salad is a simple and healthy option for breakfast or snack all throughout the warm Summer months!
Vanilla, Low-Fat Yogurt
Cube cantaloupe, honeydew and watermelon into bite size pieces
Wash and quarter strawberries
Wash and destem grapes. Slice grapes lengthwise for children 5 and under to avoid choking
Place all fruit in a bowl and gently toss with yogurt
Does your family have a great story to share?
want to highlight a positive experience or Staff Member?
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Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: https://www.usda.gov/oascr/how-to-file-a-program-discrimination-complaint, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all ofthe information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
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