Jubilee Wells Branch and Jubilee Lakeview University Prep Combat the National Teacher Shortage

The national teacher shortage has impacted our nation in more ways than one, and experts suspect the effects of the shortage will impact our nation's classrooms for years to come. As bleak as statistics stemming from the shortage seem, unprecedented challenges call for unforeseen opportunities. As a premier charter school for over twenty years, Jubilee Academies has risen to the challenge and responded with a creative and efficient new way of reaching and supporting all our students. San Antonio-based campus, Jubilee Lakeview University Prep, now provides instruction to the Austin-based campus, Jubilee Wells Branch.

Lakeview University Prep English educators, Jesse Carter and Margaret Garcia, trailblaze new pedagogy by providing remote instruction to entire classrooms!

Lakeview University Prep teacher educates students in-person and virtually simultaneously.

How does it work?
Wells Branch students attend regularly scheduled classes in a classroom at their campus. There, they are greeted and assisted in learning by an assigned proctor. The proctor facilitates the instruction at Wells Branch while vital lessons are taught by teachers from Lakeview University Prep!

What are the students learning?
Both teachers are teaching secondary English courses.

What does this mean for Jubilee?
Jubilee Academies will continue to empower students to be their best by implementing traditional classroom instruction whenever possible. While this innovative approach has empowered our campuses and staff to continue learning during unprecedented times, we understand the value of student-teacher in-person relationships.

"A culture of possibilities"
Jubilee Academies superintendent Dr. Phillips themed this academic year, "nurture, lead, excel; a culture of possibilities." The theme is appropriate for a myriad of reasons. In this case, one can see how the district has embraced an "opportunity culture" and granted itself the possibility to succeed. Opportunity culture is an initiative known as the "nation’s largest and most successful school staffing design effort." While Jubilee did not directly partner with the program, this remote learning opportunit inspired it. Learn more on opportunityculture.org


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