April Newsletter
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Last Six Weeks Push
In this last six week grading period we need to over communicate with our families about how our students are doing and what we need from them to be ready for next year. We need our parents to overcommunicate with us about what their needs are. We want to support our families as much as possible. I want to encourage us to monitor our attendance at a high level. I would like for us to push for the 97% these last six weeks, across the district. We can do this! Teachers, I ask that you all make the learning fun and engaging.
Jubilee is Getting Noticed
Jubilee was chosen as one of the districts in the RGV to be supported by the Musk Foundation with a donation of over $100K. Their support is going to help us launch an engineering focus sequence of courses starting with 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. We are excited that this is going to be a long lasting relationship that is going to create opportunities for students. We will also have students visiting Space X in the RGV to get to know about what is in store.
Teacher Incentive Allotment
We have completed our application to TEA that will allow us to incentivize our best teachers for their work. This is going to allow teachers to earn several thousand dollars more per year. Get ready teachers; 2021-2022 is going to be our data capture year. We will be taking a deep dive with your data on student achievement and your TTESS.
Gear Up Grant
We are actively pursuing the Gear Up Grant so that we can get our students Geared Up for college. If we receive this grant of roughly 3 million dollars a year for seven years this will allow us to create college preparation opportunities for our students and our parents in all of our regions. We are excited about this opportunity and look forward to the exciting experiences it will produce.
While this school year has been a challenge for us all I want to send a special thank you to everyone on the Superintendent’s Advisory Council. They have given their time and connected with district staff to help complete our district needs assessment. This is a major part of us creating our district plan for next school year. Your investment of time, thoughts, ideas and energy was a BIG help.
Thank you,
Dr. Kevin Phillips
Important Dates
Click here to access all academic calendars.
Last Day of School (Austin, San Antonio, Coastal Bend Regions) | May 27
Last Day of School (RGV Region) | May 28
San Antonio Region Graduation | June 5
Jubilee-Brownsville Graduation | June 8
Virtual Learning Day | April 30
Teacher Appreciation Week | May 3-7
Nurses Week | May 6-12
School Lunch Hero Day | May 7
Senior Spotlight
From the Jubilee Kitchen
This Spring we celebrate Texas Agriculture with the Texas Farm Fresh Challenge April 12th - May 14th by showcasing fresh and locally sourced products in our school meals. Our kids enjoy the taste of strawberries, apples, oranges, watermelon, carrots and broccoli throughout the month. Texas leads the nation in number of farms and ranches, with 248,416 farms and ranches covering 127 million acres. The average farm in Texas is 411 acres.
We also honored Earth Day on the 22nd. Its theme is, Restore Our Earth™, which focuses on natural processes, emerging green technologies, and innovative thinking that can restore the world’s ecosystems.
Not ready to go vegan - this recipe brought to you by Jubilee Academies Child Nutrition Kitchens, aids in cutting back on meat consumption which in turn helps reduce the global carbon footprint. Additionally, mushrooms are healthy on the plate and gentle on the planet. Producing 1 pound of mushrooms requires only: 1.8 gallons of water, 1 kilowatt hour of electricity, and generates only 0.7 pounds carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e).
Teacher Incentive Allotment
House Bill 3 established the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) to recognize and reward highly-effective teachers. Teachers can earn three different designation levels based on teacher evaluations and student growth: recognized, exemplary, and master. These teacher designations generate additional campus funds to reward outstanding teachers. Districts are required to use at least 90% of each allotment to compensate teachers.
Jubilee is working diligently to design a local designation system to identify teachers for TIA compensation. Jubilee teachers qualify for TIA funds based on student growth measures in MAPs and evaluation results in T-TESS. For the first year, K-12 math and reading teachers will be considered for TIA designation.
We are excited to announce that the TIA application for Jubilee Academies was submitted to TEA for approval on April 15th. As part of the application process, all district staff are asked to participate in the TIA Teacher Buy-in Survey.
Jubilee is committed to recruiting and retaining dedicated and highly-qualified teachers with the support of TIA compensation.
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