Website Survey Name * First Name Last Name Email * How do you get to our website? * I Google it Type in web address I have it bookmarked Other How often do you visit? * Daily Several times a week Once a week Several times a month Once a month Less than once a month Several times a year Never When visiting the website, what info are you typically seeking? * Ascender Parent Portal Athletics Schedules or Info Board of Directors Agendas or Minutes Calendar Events Health Services Job Postings Lunch Menu Notifications (delays, closings, etc.) How would you rate the “ease of use” of the website? * Very easy to use Easy to use Neutral Difficult to use Very difficult to use Does the website navigation make sense to you? * Yes No What are the areas you visit more frequently on this site? * Ascender Parent Portal Athletics Schedules or Info Board of Directors Agendas or Minutes Calendar Events Health Services Job Postings Lunch Menu Notifications (delays, closings, etc.) From which sources do you receive most school information? * Select all that apply. Email Newsletter Phone Social Media Teachers Office Staff Word of Mouth Website Which topics would you like to hear more about? * Select all that apply. Assessments Budget Character Education Counseling Curriculum Health and Wellness Instruction and Supervision Meals and Nutrition Safety/Security School Culture Technology Transportation How informed are you about the activities and events that happen at school? * Very Informed Informed Enough Somewhat Informed Not Informed What is it about the website that you would most like to see improved? * What changes or additional features would you suggest for our website? * Do you follow our school on social media? * Yes No If so, what social media platforms do you use most? Facebook Instagram Pinterest Snapchat Tiktok Twitter How satisfied are you with your experience on our district website? * Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Thank you for helping us build a better website!