Medication Administration Policy


Children who have health problems that go untreated may be prevented from reaching their full academic potential.  Many students who have a chronic illness or disability must receive medication during the school day.  Ideally, a parent or health care professional will administer the medication.  In their absence, the school administration must have the permission of the parent or guardian to administer each medication.

Important highlights

Medications are often essential for certain health conditions and to maintain optimal health and well being.

Please bring all medication to the nurse's clinic. All medication is stored and locked in the clinic. Certain exceptions may apply for epi-pens &/or inhalers and will be determined by your physician and campus nurse/health assistant. At the end of the year, it is preferred that medication be picked up by the parent if this is not possible. The medication will be placed in a sealed envelope and the parent must assume responsibility for this transport. Some types of medication will not be sent home in a sealed envelope and if not picked up will be disposed of by the campus nurse.

Prescription medication may be given at school if it is in the original pharmacy labeled container and the appropriate forms are completed.

Medication will not be accepted in an envelope, foil, or mislabeled container. Prescription medication that is intended for short term use, less than two weeks, will need the short term medication form to be completed and signed by the parent with the medication in the original pharmacy container. Prescription medication that is intended for long term use, greater than two weeks will need the long term medication form and must be completed by the physician and parent and the medication must be in the original pharmacy container.

The administration of non-prescription medication is not permitted without a doctor’s prescription.

Non-prescription medications include but are not limited to: analgesics, antipyretics, antacids, antihistamines, decongestants, cough/cold preparations, throat lozenges, home remedies, homeopathic preparations, vitamins or other nutritional aids, and physicians samples.

Please consult with your campus nurse/health assistant for the appropriate form for short term, long term, asthma action plan, severe allergy anaphylaxis action plan, seizure action plan, and diabetes care management plan.

Many forms are provided on the Medications page. Please contact your campus health staff for assistance if you are not able to access the website.

Please visit with your campus nurse/health assistant if your student has any health concerns, medical needs or has a hospitalization, procedure or surgery during the school year.

The nursing staff will assist and serve your children to meet their health care needs, medication requirements, and provide education and instruction for optimal well being and a healthy sense of self.


1)    The  health director, principals or  the superintendent may designate and authorize which employees of the school district may administer medication during school hours. Nurses, health assistants,and the back up to the health assistants must complete medication training prior to administering/supervising the administration of medication to students. 

2)    The parent or guardian will provide any/all medication to be dispensed to their student.  It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to maintain the supply of medication at school.

3)    The school must receive a written request to administer the medication from the parent, legal guardian, or other person having legal control of the student.  The written request from a parent or guardian must include: 

●      The student’s name

●      The name of the medication to be given

●      Date of permission and number of days the medication is to be given

●      Time of day the medication is to be given  

●      Signature of parent or legal guardian

4)    The written permission will be good for the current school year and will end on the last day of school for that same school year.  

5)    Only fda approved medications may be administered at school, and the instructions from the parent may not contradict the medication label.

6)    Students’ may not receive the first dose of any medication at school.  The medication must always be initiated at home, in order to assess the child’s reaction to the medication given.  

7)    Short term medications (i.e., those to be given for 10 days or less) may be received with parent permission as stated above, as long as the prescription is current and stated on the prescription label (within the last 30 days).

8)    Medications that need to be administered for more than 10 days require a physician signature (see medication administration request form).  The medication may be initiated with the parent signature (must be in the original container with a current date, and with instructions printed on the label as stated above),  however, physician order and signature must be received within 10 days.

9)    If there is a change in treatment, a signed physician order must be received indicating the new instructions (it is treated as a new medication).  If the new instructions are printed on a new prescription bottle/label, the medication may be administered following these instructions, as long as the written physician order is received within 10 days. 

10) When administering prescription medication, the medication must appear to be in the original container and to be properly labeled:

●      Name and address of the pharmacy

●      Name of the patient (student)

●      Name of the prescribing practitioner

●      The date the prescription is dispensed

●      Instructions for use

●      The expiration date of the medication

11) Medications may not be received in zip lock bags, foil, or any other container except the original bottle.

12) The medication will be stored in the original container, which is locked and secured in a designated space (i.e., within a locked cabinet) in the clinic.  This may be kept in another secure area as designated by the principal and approved by the director.  Access to keys to the designated storage space will be limited to authorized staff only.

13) Parents must provide an accurate, working phone number, where they can be reached for any questions or concerns.

14) If the school nurse/health assistant/health director has a concern or question about the medication being administered at school, the prescribing physician and/or pharmacy may be contacted.

15) Health services will not dispense or have available medications for staff.