Grading Policy
Grades will be based solely on achievement of course/grade level standards. Student grades will be determined by teacher evaluation of growth attained during significant learning activities conducted by the teacher in a grade reporting cycle.
Grading Scale
Even though all grades will be reported as numeric scores, these scores will still represent various levels of achievement that can be compared to letter grades.
Pre-K & Kindergarten are reported as non-numerical grades.
Grading Scale for 1st – 12th - All daily grades and test grades are recorded as numbers. Averages for each grading period and semester are recorded on the report card numerically.
Additionally, courses taken that are sequential as in a two-semester course i.e. Math, English Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and CTE shall be averaged to determine the final grade for the year. If the final grade does not average to 70%, the student will need to repeat the semester course that caused the average to equate below 70%.
90-100 A Outstanding progress and mastery of subject matter
80-89 B Above-average progress and mastery of subject matter
75-79 C Average progress and understanding of material
70-74 D Below-average progress and minimum passing
69-below F Class requirements have not been met
Weight of grades for 1st - 2nd
Daily grades: 60%
Assessments/ Projects: 40%
Default lowest grade to a 50%
Weight of grades for 3rd - 12th
Daily grades: 60%
6 Weeks Assessments: 10%
Assessments/ Projects: 30%
Default lowest grade to a 50%
Number of Assignments
Teachers will post a minimum of 2 daily grades per subject per week, and a minimum of 1 assessment grade every 3 weeks. Teachers may have more grades than required if they desire. The lowest daily grade in a 3 week cycle may be dropped if it helps the student’s final grade.
Reteach/Retest Policy
Students who fail a major test/assessment with a 69 or below (only) will be provided with an opportunity to re-test.
The highest replacement grade a student can earn on the retest is a 70.
Teachers will reteach prior to retesting.
Re-test opportunities must be completed prior to the last day in a grading period.
The retest/project will cover the same material as the original test/project; however, the retest/project resubmission may be in a different format with questions changed.
Students and teachers must communicate and plan for the retest within 5 days after the teacher notifies the student of a failing grade.
Conduct Grade
Students are graded on conduct by each teacher. A letter system is used in reporting a student’s conduct. Conduct will not be used to adjust academic grades.
E Excellent
S Satisfactory
N Conduct Needs Improvement
U Unsatisfactory
Repeated disciplinary problems and/or unsatisfactory conduct may be addressed through the Response to Intervention (RTI) process. An RTI committee may be convened to determine the interventions needed to improve student behavior.