The Three Pillar Approach
Educating the Whole Child
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Goal Setting - Lesson
Goal Setting is one of the first skills we develop to help us lead ourselves. Follow the directions for this section. The Parent Guide will give you prompts for discussion.
Read aloud or have your student read the following:
Being on target is about understanding why the goal that I set is important to me and being determined to achieve those goals. Understanding my “why” will motivate me with a steadfast determination to not quit until I attain my goal. Attaining my goal is a win to propel me on to my next win for success in life. Remember Coach Vince Lombardi’s axiom, “winners don’t quit, and quitters don’t win.”
Setting a goal to achieve something means that we have set goals that provide direction, motivation and a clear target. The concept of SMART Goals uses an acronym that stands for goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time bound.
We must know what it is that we want to achieve and have a clear plan for how we will go about achieving the goal, and most importantly why we want to achieve the goal.
Discuss with your parent the SMART goal explanation as illustrated in the Parent Guide.