Covid-19 Safety Protocol

Jubilee Academies has implemented a Health & Safety Plan to discern best practices and protocols for campuses based on the CDC, Regional Health Department, and TEA’s guidance and recommendations.

Health & Hygiene Practices

  • If a student develops symptoms of illness during the day they will be immediately removed from the general population to a special care room and their condition will be monitored while their parents are alerted for immediate pick-up.
  • Health Screenings are conducted by the health staff throughout the day to monitor for illness. Teachers will monitor and consult with the health care staff regularly.
  • Health staff will provide training for staff & students on hand washing & respiratory hygiene and hand washing/sanitizer stations will be available in each classroom.
  • COM will provide training to staff and create daily cleaning assignments for complete cleaning of all areas.
  • Teachers will Disinfect toys and frequently touch surfaces after every use and throughout the day with district-approved disinfectant solutions.
  • Trash removal will happen after lunch and at night AND as needed by the custodial staff.
  • Hallways will remain clear of non-essential items.
  • No Fundraising events until further notice.

Personal Protective Equipment/Infection Control

  • All Staff & Students - masks are highly encouraged.
  • All staff masks, gloves, gowns, safety glasses, or face shields are available as needed based on the activity.
  • Routine disinfecting practices by all teachers and custodial staff.
  • Installment of Remi Halo Disinfection Systems to improve air quality.

Social Distancing Practices

  • Naptime, PK/K distancing – (6 ft apart, head to toe, toe to toe).
  • Field trips and events/activities – canceled or postponed.
  • Bus transportation will resume according to guidance from the CDC or local health authority.
  • No on-site vendors without approval from Exec.Director of Operations.
  • Encourage social distancing where feasible.
Work Cited/References:
  1. CDC - Center for Disease Control
  2. TEA - Texas Education Agency
  3. Texas Department Health
  4. Texas Department of Health and Human Services, HHS

Approved 01/03/2022