Jubilee Academies Blog

Welcome to the Jubilee Academies blog. This blog features stories from all across the district. Each story captures and expands on moments, highlights, and stories about our students, teachers, staff, and Jubilee Academies!

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Miranda’s Medal: Flourishing with Jubilee
Jubilee Academies Jubilee Academies

Miranda’s Medal: Flourishing with Jubilee

Meet Miranda, a determined and passionate graphic design student at Jubilee Academies. Miranda's journey at Jubilee San Antonio is a testament to the transformative power of passion and perseverance. Introduced to Adobe Illustrator during her freshman year, she discovered a love for graphic design that led her to create the winning 2024 Fiesta medal design competition for Jubilee Academies.

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Behind Jubilee Fiesta: Building a Legacy
Jubilee Academies Jubilee Academies

Behind Jubilee Fiesta: Building a Legacy

In San Antonio, Fiesta is more than a celebration; it is a cherished tradition uniting communities and celebrating vibrant culture. At Jubilee Academies, we believe in embracing tradition while empowering our students to showcase their talents and academia. Although cross-departmental efforts are consistently made to enrich the Jubilee student experience, including during the Fiesta season, this year marks the first official, formalized Jubilee Academies Annual Fiesta Medal Design Competition organized by our Career Technical Education program and our District Marketing and Communications team.

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